Sunday, July 5, 2015

TS2 to TS4 - FLATWOUD Dining Set by Elias943

S-Club Hair Retexture by Amarathinee

Project: More Sims In The World! by arkeus17

Hello guys, some time ago, I had believed some mods to leave the world of The Sims 4 most populous (not posted here in modthesims before, first time), I tried to give it a refined before posting here again, and now I believe they are ready ...

1 - SIMS LIMIT RAISED IN DISTRICT (BASE): This mod increases the Sims limit allowed while a district originally the value is 20 Sims, for example, if you have 20 Sims on the lot, Sims walking by the neighborhood vanish, and with this mod, even though 20 Sims in the lot, Sims pedestrians will continue appearing normally. Is available in the following amounts:
30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90,100, 150 .200, 250 and 300 (Necessary for other mods work)
Choose only one

T-Shirts for Boys and Girls by Helaene

Semi-Transparent Lace Chemise by LaLunaRossa

Asha Homes - Los Anoles

Lyr Dress by Tangerine

Rooster Farmstead by TeanMoon